Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 Steps to Wellness

Nearly all health problems are complex and have multiple causes. This means that nearly all health problems do not have a single simple solution. In other words there is no magic bullet, no magic cure for any health problem. You can treat symptoms very easily with one or two drugs, but don't be fooled, this in no way fixes a health problem.

In order to properly treat diseases and health problems, a multi-faceted approach needs to be used. One way to do this is to use what I call the six steps to wellness.

The first step is reestablishing structural integrity of the body. This includes joints, muscles, and other soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments. By reestablishing structural integrity we remove interference to both the natural flow of nervous system information and to the free flow of vital energy. There are both active and passive therapies that can be used to reestablish structural integrity including: chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, stretching and exercise.

The second step to wellness is to rebalance the body's electromagnetic field. We are literally bathed in a sea of electromagnetic pollution coming from power lines, appliances, computers, TVs, microwaves, etc. Over time, sensitive individualscan be very adversely affected.

The third step is proper nutrition. Surveys show that 20% of the US population never eats vegetables, and 40% rarely consume fruit or fruit juice. 80% of the population never consumes whole-grain or high fiber foods. Refined sugars lower the immune system's function and interfere with with the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria and viruses. In addition, a large portion of our diet comes from food grown on depleted soil lacking in many essential nutrients important to health. Eating properly and supplementing where needed is absolutely critical to good health and wellness.

The fourth step is to rid the body of allergens and reprogram the body to get rid of sensitivities. There are basically three causes of allergies: substances in the environment such as dust, mold, and pollen; foods and food additives; and metabolic byproducts. Allergic reactions can mimic a wide range of diseases and disorders. This can lead to a confused nervous system that responds by killing off friendly bacteria in our gut, or even the cells of our own body. Finding allergens and eliminating them from the environment can have a tremendous positive impact on health and wellness.

The fifth step is to reevaluate emotional patterns and remove limiting belief systems. Perceptions and beliefs affect the way we think, and the way we think affects not only what we do but how we feel. Negative emotions can have a devastating effect on overall health and even lead to death.

The sixth and final step in the journey to wellness is to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. During the course of our lives, we can accumulate various heavy metals and other toxins in our bodies. These come from the food we ingest and from the environment we live in. Often these toxins will be locked away inside the body as a protective mechanism to prevent further acute damage from occurring. The problem occurs over time when these toxins will eventually cause severe diseases and even cancers. Getting rid of these heavy metals and toxins is also vital to true health and wellness.

Over the next week or two I'll be discussing the six steps in more detail. If anyone has any specific questions, place them in the comments section and I will try to address them.

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