Monday, December 7, 2009

Step One: Structural Integrity

The first step in health is reestablishing structural integrity of the body. This includes joints, muscles, and other soft tissues such as tendons and ligaments. By reestablishing structural integrity we remove interference to both the natural flow of nervous system information and to the free flow of vital energy. There are both active and passive therapies that can be used to reestablish structural integrity including: chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, stretching and exercise.

The foundation to good health is found in maintaining structural integrity of the body. If a poor foundation is present, it is very difficult for the body to heal. The central nervous system sends information to the spinal cord to govern the function of every muscle and every organ in the body. If this information is absent or garbled, then the brain has poor or little control over these muscles and organs. Even something as simple as blood flow to your intestines is regulated by your brain and central nervous system.

Blood flow to our internal organs is provided via capillary beds. These capillary beds are regulated by single cell smooth muscles called sphincters. When these muscles are tight, they restrict flow of blood into the capillary bed. When they are relaxed, they open up, and more blood is able to flow into the capillary bed. The single cell smooth muscles are controlled via the central nervous system through the spinal cord. If we eat a large meal in the disputed digestion, these sphincter muscles will relax and allow more blood to flow into our organs of digestion allowing them to kick into high gear to process the meal.

If this information telling the muscles to relax is interfered with, then not enough blood is able to get to the organs for proper digestion causing stomach upset, intestinal problems, constipation, diarrhea and other digestive problems. When that nerve flow has been fixed allowing the brain and the muscles to communicate again, proper function of the digestive organs is restored. This is why chiropractic adjustments can have a profound effect on all kinds of problems including those dealing with internal organs and not just simple low back or neck pain.

And this is why it's critical to establish structural integrity first. Taking antacids and other medications will not ever fix the problem with digestion. They will simply cover up the unpleasant symptoms that are generated by improper nerve function. It's almost like putting a piece of tape over your oil light so the light doesn't bother you. It gets rid of the unpleasant symptoms but does nothing to fix the actual problem.

In addition to correcting nerve flow to the spinal cord via chiropractic adjustments, special attention is usually needed for the other soft tissue structures like muscles and ligaments. This is because muscles and ligaments affect joint function. So the muscles in the joints really should be worked on at the same time for the best therapeutic results. Massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, exercise of all types, and stretching are all critical components to proper spinal care.

By establishing structural integrity, we can lay the foundation for true healing to begin.

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